Example-1 A 4-Bit Shift register with asynchronous load. module bit4_SHreg(R,L,w,clk,Q); input [3:0]R; input L,w,clk; output reg [3:0]Q; always@(posedge L,posedge clk) //begin if (L) Q<=R; else begin Q[0]<=Q[1]; Q[1]<=Q[2]; Q[2]<=Q[3]; Q[3]<=w; /// w is data input /// w-> Q3 -> Q2-> Q1->Q0 end endmodule Test Bench module test_bit4SHreg; reg [3:0]R; reg L,w,clk; wire [3:0]Q; bit4_SHreg r0(R,L,w,clk,Q); initial begin clk=0; L=0;w=0;R=0; $monitor("R=%d,w=%b,Q=%b",R,w,Q); end always #5 clk=~clk; initial begin #1 L=1; R=6; #7 L=0; w=1; #8 w=0; #9 w=1; #9 w=0; #9 w=1; #9 L=1; R=5; #3 R=4; #5 R=7; end endmodule Simulation Results ...
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